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Before you get the piercing done, make sure you plan ahead. Do some research and gather information about the permanent corset piercings, as much as you can. Once you have learnt enough information about it, find out which parlor is doing a
permanent corset piercing. Try to find out many body piercing parlors and choose the best one, which maintain a hygienic piercing procedure.

1. Find out what kind of materials and equipments, they use for body piercings. The right answers would be dermal anchors, surface bars and tygon bars. You may also need to do some research again about surface bars and dermal anchors, and choose which one is best for you.
2. A corset piercing may not cost you more than $300-400, even if you get it done from a good piercing parlor.
3. Don’t forget to ask about the history or the success rate of permanent corset piercing. There may not be a high rate of success in this type of piercing, because there is a high chances of rejection in surface piercing.
4. If the parlor had done any corset piercing before, you can also ask for some photos of their customers who had done corset piercing and healed completely, before you get it done. Don’t accept fresh piercings photos.
5. Be sure to watch the equipments and materials when your professional piercer take them out from the sealed sterile packages. What it means, sterility of the equipments is very important, so you have to make sure that your piercer is using the fresh sterile equipments for your piercing.
6. Most professional piercer may ask you to lay down or lean over the chair. when you are getting the corset piercing. During the piercing is going on, avoid moving. Brace yourself and breath normally.
7. During the piercing time, you can ask for breaks after each piercing. And, during the breaks, they may provide some fluids, such as tea, preferably with less sugar.
8. After you get your new
corset piercing done, always wear loose shirts or clothes to avoid rubbing against the piercings.
9. Make sure that you clean the piercings with antimicrobial or antibacterial soap two times per day.
10. Be sure to note down all the piercing aftercare instructions properly, and follow them carefully as guided by your professional piercer.