If you have any stunning pictures of corset piercings, the subsequent description will seem familiar to you - a back (almost always a woman...come to think of it, I've never seen a male back with Corset Piercings) with rows of piercings straddling the spine, the piercings are evenly spaced to imitate corset eyelets, and the piercings are either surface bars, rings, or rings with string criss-crossing through them, resulting in a corset appearance. The pictures are gorgeous and so it's no surprise that many women toy with the idea of getting their back pierced.

I'm sorry to do this, but corset piercings, as the general public understands them, are a gross misconception. It is simply not possible for someone to get their back pierced for any length of time. The pictures you see are usually photoshopped (to eliminate the swelling and redness) and give no indication that the corset was put into place solely for the photograph. People are very mislead by these photographs. People who get Corset Piercings HAVE to remove their piercings promptly - this is not a piercing that can remain in the body for any length of time.

The back is too active - there are too many muscles constantly in motion - for any of the corset piercings to stand a chance at becoming long term. Most piercers take pictures of corset piercings to add to their portfolio, many photographers arrange for their models to have corset piercings specifically for a photo shoot, and many people in fetish and BDSM circles get corset piercings for a temporary amount of time. Corset piercings with string connecting them all are particularly only for short term purposes, because the string pulls the skin taunt and thus makes healing impossible. If left in too long, the piercings will be rejected, they will migrate, and they will leave scarring.

However, if the piercing is only for a very short amount of time, there will be no migration, rejection, or scarring. In fact, these piercings are so temporary that many piercers don't even remove the hypodermic needles used to pierce it in the first place! Technically it may be possible to have long lasting corset piercings, but the back is so involved with every movement that it would take supernatural vigilance and care to make it work. Furthermore, someone attempting to make corset piercings last can not get them pierced with captive rings and they can't be laced; only surface bars stand a small chance. I've never, ever, seen a corset piercing that lasted more than a week.

So if this piercing has such a short life span, you may be asking, why get it? Well, many people get it for the photo, it's true. Many people want corset piercings to indulge in their sexual fantasies or fetishes. Some people get it solely because they can, some want to try just "to see", and others do it for the endorphin and adrenaline rush. This piercing, when done by a professional, is not risky (and I reiterate: especially when it is taken out promptly) and has no side effects. The pain ranges more on the minimal side of the scale than intense, and some piercers may use topical anesthesia to numb the pain a little bit, even though it looks like it would be excruciating to endure. Like many good things in life, it's a fleeting enjoyment. Most wearers only keep them for a couple hours - anything more is really pushing the limits concerning migration and rejection.

Once the jewelry is removed they are open wounds, so clean them thoroughly and use common sense. They should heal quickly, and rarely are there complications IF proper aftercare is followed. If you love the thrill and adventure involved with body piercing, getting a corset piercing may be right for you.

Wearing corsets has been one of the biggest bondage turn-ons of all. But some people like me want to take it one step further. We love the feeling of corset lacing so much that we've decided to turn it into a part of our bodies. Enter the corset piercing.

I love the scene and the feeling of power so much that I decided to get a corset piercing. For those who don't know, a corset piercing is two rows of bilaterally symmetrical piercings on the back, which can be as few as four. They use captive bead rings as jewelry. I went with four eight piercings. These are mostly temporary piercings though, because of the risks associated with permanent piercing. But as a model, I took it upon myself to flash my body with a beauty that I believe is truly a part of me. Plus, my boyfriend really got excited from my pictures afterward.

've done it a few times and I've used ribbon, rope and chain to accompany my photoshoots. I only use my corset piercings for the duration of the shoot, or no more than 24 hours though. Like all piercings, a corset piercing is still an open wound that is subject to infection, irritation or cross contamination. But to its credit there is hardly any scarring from the removal of corset piercings from my body.

Although it's in theory possible to have a permanent corset piercing, I haven't tried it yet. There is a tremendous potential for a piercing to be infected or irritated in spite of the best care. Actually healing for a corset piercing is the same as healing in any body part, except that the strain on the body from a large amount of piercings can sometimes be too great.

Most people have probably seen photos of corset piercings online, though they are normally laced to appear like the laces on a corset. These photos depict, 99% of the time, play piercings or at least improperly done piercings that will reject.
Knowledgeable artists do not do play piercing over lasting ones unless that's what you specifically request. A well researched corset piercing will take more than 2 hours to draw, with good spacing and placement to limit piercing rejection, and an hour, at the very least and with a high pain threshold, to pierce. A special barbell, known as a surface bar, should be used on most surface piercings. These barbells are shaped like an upside down staple, with two sharp 90 degree angles on each side. These help keep it deeply beneath the skin and make it harder to push out.
Surface bars, dermal anchors or tygon tubing are currently the only appropriate items for a surface piercing that is not for temporary purposes. After the piercing heals, in about a year, the caps on the surface bar can be traded with a new cap that has a hoop on top. Ribbon or lace can be brought through these hoops and tied for the unique corset piercing look. This look is not for everyday wear though.

Corset piercings should only be done by an experienced piercing professional who has experience and success with other types of surface piercings. Preferably the artist would have success with surface piercings on the part of the body you want to have the corset done on. An experienced piercer will want to do regular checkups as well.
If you are not interested in a permanent corset piercing, but want something fancy for a special occasion, you can use captive bead rings. These allow the corset piercing to be laced immediately, though again, they should not be left laced for an extensive period of time. The entire piercing should be removed in under two weeks to minimize the signs of scarring or other damage.