Genital piercing goes back thousands of years. In some civilizations, it was a ritual that was instituted as boys and girls entered puberty. While this practice remains in place in some parts of the world today, in the developed world it is more frequently done for decoration. It is a practice that makes some cringe and others intrigued. Rather than the face, belly button or other areas of the body, genital piercings are done in parts of the body that are not seen by the public.

With names that indicate the area of the penis or vagina that the piercing is done, it appears to be growing in popularity in the world today.
The Hindu guide to love, the Kamasutra, refers to implants in the penis as well as for jewelry. This is the only evidence that it actually took place in Hindu society. There are also historical references from the Roman, Greek and Arab countries. They hit their peak of popularity in the 19th century. It is reported that the husband of Queen Victoria had a genital piercing. The reason for this was the popularity of the very tight Beau Brummel pants. By having genital piercings, the penis could be anchored to the left side and eliminate the bulge.

During the 1970's made a cultural debut in America and Europe. As punk fashion reached its peak, the gay communities and sadomasochist culture began to show a surge of interest in genital piercings. It has continued until this day and increasing in popularity.

Female genital piercing is most commonly the VCH. This is piercing of the clitoral hood. It is done primarily for sexual benefits. It is quick to heal and easy to perform. Another type of female piercing is the Christina. This is done on women with an excess of skin and extends from the pubic mound to the outer labia. As with other surface piercings, rejection is high with this type of piercing. There are other types of female piercings that include the labia and other areas within the genital area.
If the legend of the Prince Albert piercing set the precedent for male genital piercing, it has also become the most popular type of piercings for men. This particular piercing is done through the tip of the penis. It extends from the frenulum through the urethra. This has some precautions that should be used. Since it does go through the urethra, it is very slow healing and can easily become infected. Scrotum piercing, frenum piercing and horizontal piercing between the scrotum and anus are also popular types of male piercing.