Music themed tattoos come in several different variations: band logos, music notes, lyrics, and musical instruments. I'm going to tell you something right now. Getting a band's logo (like the Hatebreed logo and AFI symbols seen here) is usually only a good idea if their music inspires you or got you through a rough time in your life, if you're in the actual band yourself, or if you really like the image or logo that represents them. I'm not one to judge, and certainly if your heart is screaming at you to tattoo Che Guevara's face on your chest because you love Rage Against the Machine, then go for it. Just keep in mind that bands break up or sell out, their music starts sucking or they turn corporate, they lose singers and gain new ones. Styles change and people grow--you included. I'm a big proponent of never regretting any tattoo that you decide to get, I'm only advising that you choose carefully and wisely unless, of course, it's a legendary group.